We are InOldNews

Our work is focused on supporting a diverse journalism ecosystem through stories and trainings.

Climate change footage library [Applications closed]

Over the next few months, you can help us build a library of free footage from across the world that will document the impacts of and solutions to climate change.

Collage of two journalists recording footage. Text on the image says "Capturing Climate Change"
88 posts

Excerpt: How Zimbabwe’s LGBTQI+ Community Fights Queerphobia on Social Media

Excerpt: How Zimbabwe’s LGBTQI+ Community Fights Queerphobia on Social Media

Stories from our friends at Unbias The News

All journalism starts local, with Nic Dawes

All journalism starts local, with Nic Dawes

We spoke to The City's Executive Director Nic Dawes about the role of local journalism in New York City.

On equal pay and equal credit in journalism, with Unbias The News

On equal pay and equal credit in journalism, with Unbias The News

We spoke to Unbias The News about the importance of paying and crediting journalists equally.

Tips for journalism startups with Splice

Tips for journalism startups with Splice

We spoke to Alan Soon and Rishad Patel about their experience supporting startups across Asia.

Why a sustainable future for journalism starts with supporting journalists

Why a sustainable future for journalism starts with supporting journalists

We interviewed Kevin Douglas Grant, co-founder of The GroundTruth Project, on the ethics of supporting journalists.

Talking mobile journalism pitches with Shailesh Srivastava

Talking mobile journalism pitches with Shailesh Srivastava

IndiaSpend Hindi editor Shailesh Srivastava shares what he looks for in freelance pitches.

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