
83 posts

Tips and Tricks to Shoot MoJo Videos

Your smartphones are packed with sophisticated lenses and have the capacity to handle an editing job to get you a good MoJo video. Here are some things to remember.

Podcasts on the Go: Publishing and Distribution

Unlike video, you don't need to re-upload your podcast on platforms, all you need to do is host it once.

Podcasting on the Go: Production and Editing

Podcasting is a powerful tool for content sharing. And if you do it on the go, you'd be juicing every last drop of that power.

Sinking Sundarbans, Goa's Tourism and Water Crisis: MoJo Stories by Our Fellows

Our fellows have had to constantly adapt to the new normal, which includes remote reporting. Here's what they have been up to.

MoJo Apps to Get You Started

Your phone is a powerhouse. Top it up with the right kind of applications and there's no stopping you from getting on the MoJo wagon.

What MoJo Gear should you get?

A lot of equipment can help make mobile journalism easier for you. But at the end of the day, all you really need is just a phone.

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