
83 posts

Ethics of Photography and Editing

Basic things to keep in mind while clicking, editing and distributing photographs.

MoJo Photography: Tools, Tips and Resources

Taking a good photo need not be rocket science anymore involving a bulky DSLR and complicated software.

Can You Freely Borrow Content From Other Channels on Social Media?

Copyright laws are not well-defined. But being mindful will help you steer you through this confusing terrain.

Trigger Warnings in Journalism: A Necessity?

In most cases, trigger warnings are a good way to give the viewer an opportunity to choose not to see content that might bring back past trauma.

TW: ‘156 journalists have died due to Corona... I could be the 157th...’

TW: ‘156 journalists have died due to Corona... I could be the 157th...’

Photojournalism from the Covid-19 frontline.

Mental Health Resources for Journalists

Mental Health Resources for Journalists

It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to take a break, if it's available to you, to acknowledge the deteriorating mental health, and reach out to whoever you think can help you combat the situation.

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