We are InOldNews

Our work is focused on supporting a diverse journalism ecosystem through stories and trainings.

Climate change footage library [Applications closed]

Over the next few months, you can help us build a library of free footage from across the world that will document the impacts of and solutions to climate change.

Collage of two journalists recording footage. Text on the image says "Capturing Climate Change"
88 posts

Can Artificial Intelligence help journalists?

Can Artificial Intelligence help journalists?

In this newsletter, we’re doing something a little different.

Conversations with Journalists

Conversations with Journalists

Listen to interviews with the media industry's experts — from editors to entrepreneurs.

Excerpt: How #MeToo Gave Me A Vocabulary To Claim Disability Rights

Excerpt: How #MeToo Gave Me A Vocabulary To Claim Disability Rights

Stories from our friends at Unbias The News

How digital security can be like a health check up, with Harlo Holmes

How digital security can be like a health check up, with Harlo Holmes

Freedom of the Press Foundation's Harlo Holmes shares insights and tips on digital security for journalists

Maps for investigative journalism, with the Pulitzer Center’s Gustavo Faleiros

Maps for investigative journalism, with the Pulitzer Center’s Gustavo Faleiros

We spoke to Gustavo Faleiros about his work as an investigative journalist covering rainforests in Brazil and beyond.

"Invest in the content, people will follow": Anu Harchu at IJF22

"Invest in the content, people will follow": Anu Harchu at IJF22

We spoke to Mongolian YouTuber Anu Harchu about her journey from working in newsroom to becoming an independent creator.

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