
83 posts

Reporting in the Times of COVID-19 Pandemic

We've compiled a few tools to help journalists reporting medical stories to fight against the innumerable challenges, especially in pandemic times.

Apply for the Mobile Journalism Fellowship by Internews & In Old News

In Old News Mobile Journalism Fellowship is now accepting applications for round 2. Apply now!

Building Audience Trust With Behind-The-Scenes

Building Audience Trust With Behind-The-Scenes

Would a peak behind the curtain help journalists reach a skeptical audience?

Is Twitter (Finally!) Rising from a Deep Slumber?

Twitter hasn't changed much, at least superficially, but quite a few new features and formats have popped up recently.

Pivot to 'Interactive' Video

Is interactive video the next big thing? Or is it old news?

A Freelancer's Guide: Pitching Tips and Resources for Journalists

A Freelancer's Guide: Pitching Tips and Resources for Journalists

Freelance journalism can be truly empowering if you know the dos and don'ts.

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